January 1984

“Contents,” Ensign, Jan. 1984, 1


January 1984

Volume 14 Number 1

On the cover: Photography by Michael Schoenfeldt. See pages 20–27 for article on Ricks College.

Inside front cover: Browning House, by Al Rounds, 15″ by 22″, watercolor, 1982 Owned by Lowell Benson.

The Nauvoo home of early Church member Jonathan Browning, with its attached blacksmith and gunsmith shops. The Nauvoo Temple is seen in the distance.

Inside back cover: Grey Day at Paris, by Harrison Groutage, 30″ by 40″, acrylic, 1983.

Paris, Idaho, depicted here in early winter, is a small farming community founded in 1864 by Elder Charles C. Rich of the Quorum of The Twelve. It is noted for its European-influenced architecture.