“Church Magazines in Home Evening,” Ensign, Jan. 1984, 68
Church Magazines in Home Evening
I made a valiant attempt to read the Ensign, the New Era, and the Friend each month. However, I found myself falling sadly behind until my husband and I devised a plan. Each child was asked to give a synopsis of a story or article found in the magazine of his/her age group, while my husband and I each presented something from the Ensign. We did this at every family home evening and discovered it was a delightful way to keep abreast of the magazines. Our little three-year-old participated with a poem from the Friend, our ten- and eight-year-old daughters cut out pictures and paragraphs to present flannel board stories, and our teenager recounted what she read in the New Era. Charlene Higuera, Bakersfield, California
Illustrated by Bill Swensen