undefined undefined Ten Temple Presidents Called
Ten Temple Presidents Called
October 1984

“Ten Temple Presidents Called,” Ensign, Oct. 1984, 77

Ten Temple Presidents Called

Ten new temple presidents have been announced by the First Presidency.

Presiding over the Seattle Temple will be Elder Royden G. Derrick, who has served in the presidency of the First Quorum of the Seventy since 1980 and as a member of that quorum since 1976. Before his call as a General Authority, Brother Derrick was twice a mission president. His wife, Allie Jean Olsen Derrick, will serve as temple matron.

Ivan L. Hobson, chairman of the Dallas Texas Temple committee, has been called as president of the Dallas Texas Temple. A retired economist, President Hobson has served as both a stake and district president; he has recently served as a regional representative in Texas. Ruth Rawlings Hobson, his wife, will be matron.

John F. O’Donnal, currently a counselor in the presidency of the Mexico City Temple, will be the first president of the Guatemala City Temple. President O’Donnal worked for the United States Department of Agriculture for many years. He has served as a mission president, stake patriarch, regional representative, and district president. Sister Maria Del Carmen Galvez O’Donnal will serve as matron.

Carl W. Ringger, a native of Switzerland, will preside over the Swiss Temple. Brother Ringger, a retired U.S. Steel employee, has been serving as second counselor in the Swiss Temple presidency. His wife, Elsie K. Graeser Ringger, will be the new temple matron.

Hal R. Johnson, called as president of the Sao Paulo Temple, has been serving as a counselor in the presidency of the Idaho Falls Temple. He has been president of the Rio de Janeiro Mission, as well as regional representative to two regions in Brazil. Sister Virginia Pond Johnson, his wife, will be the matron of the Sao Paulo Temple.

The president of the Manila Philippines Temple will be W. Garth Andrus of Walnut Creek, California. For the past year, President Andros has been administrative assistant to President Marion D. Hanks of the Salt Lake Temple. He has served as a bishop and mission president. His wife, Eloise Adamson Andrus, will serve as temple matron.

Milton J. Hess, a former Navy chaplain and retired attorney from Farmington, Utah, will preside over the Sydney Australia Temple. Currently serving as a counselor in the presidency of the Ogden Temple, President Hess has also been a bishop, stake president, and mission president. Sister Fern Gregory Hess, his wife, will be temple matron.

The new president of the Idaho Falls Temple will be Rheim M. Jones, an ophthalmologist and eye surgeon from Idaho Falls. President Jones has served as a regional representative. His wife, Alice Brinton Jones, a registered nurse, will be matron of the temple.

Presiding over the New Zealand Temple will be Glen L. Rudd, manager of Welfare Square in Salt Lake City for twenty-five years. President Rudd has twice served as a mission president. He has also been a regional representative and a member of the Church Welfare Committee and Church Missionary Committee. Sister Marva Sperry Rudd, his wife, will serve as matron.

Ralph M. Johnson has been called to serve as president of the Logan Temple. Former dean of Science at Utah State University, President Johnson was also dean of the College of Biological Science at Ohio State University. He has served as a bishop, stake executive secretary, stake president, and high councilor. His wife, Genevieve Porter Johnson, will be matron.