undefined undefined How can we find the addresses of the bishops of the wards our son attends in the military?
How can we find the addresses of the bishops of the wards our son attends in the military?
December 1984

“How can we find the addresses of the bishops of the wards our son attends in the military?” Ensign, Dec. 1984, 46–47

We would like to keep in touch with the bishops of the wards our son attends in the military. How can we find their addresses?

Robert G. Crawford, executive secretary of the Church Military Relations Committee. We are all encouraged to keep in touch with ward members serving in the military—especially those on their initial tour of duty and those in remote and overseas areas.

In addition, many parents also feel the need to keep in contact with the bishop in the area where their son or daughter is stationed. They want to make sure that local Church leaders are aware of their child’s whereabouts and are encouraging his or her Church involvement and spiritual development.

If you wish to contact the bishop of your son or daughter in the U.S. military, see the bishop of your own ward. He will have a list of all the major U.S. military installations worldwide. The listing includes the name of each ward and stake responsible for LDS members in the military—and indicates the name, address, and telephone number of each stake president, and the name and telephone number of each bishop.

You may call your son or daughter’s bishop on the telephone, or write him in care of the stake president. If he is a member of the military and you use his military address, it is best to address the envelope using his military title rather than the title bishop.

If any additional information is needed, your bishop may write or call the Church Military Relations Committee, 50 East North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150. (Telephone: 801-531-2286.)