undefined undefined Contents
February 1985

“Contents,” Ensign, Feb. 1985


February 1985

Volume 15 Number 2

On the front cover: Winter Valley, by LeConte Stewart, 24″ by 30″, oil on canvas, 1950. Currently on display at the Church Museum of History and Art.

Back cover: Huntsville, Afternoon in Winter, by LeConte Stewart, 24″ by 30″, oil on panel, 1929. Courtesy of Hazel and David Ellison. Currently on display at the Church Museum of History and Art.

Inside front cover: The Martin Harris Farm, by Al Rounds, 16″ by 25″, watercolor, 1984. Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rawlins.

A portion of the Martin Harris farm, located approximately one mile north of Palmyra, was mortgaged in 1829 to pay printing costs for the first 5,000 copies of the Book of Mormon. In the spring of 1831, Martin was forced to sell 152 of his 320 acres in order to pay the debt.

Inside back cover: The Hill Cumorah, by Al Rounds, 40″ by 53″, watercolor, 1984.

“Convenient to the village of Manchester, New York, stands a hill of considerable size, and the most elevated of any in the neighborhood,” Joseph Smith wrote. Moroni showed Joseph the gold plates here in September 1823, and Joseph returned yearly for instruction before receiving the plates to translate on 22 September 1827.