undefined undefined Indian Placement Modified
Indian Placement Modified
February 1985

“Indian Placement Modified,” Ensign, Feb. 1985, 80

Indian Placement Modified

The First Presidency has announced changes that will eventually shape the Indian Student Placement Program into an experience for high-school-age students only.

Beginning with the 1985–86 school year, the program will be limited to students in grades six through twelve, and the entry age will be raised one level each year until the 1988–89 school year, when the program will be limited to those in grades nine through twelve.

The announcement follows a change in 1984 that made only students in grades five through twelve eligible for the program.

“In addition to the age change,” the First Presidency said in a letter to General Authorities and to priesthood leaders in the western United States, “enrollment standards will be raised. Information regarding specific eligibility requirements will be available through LDS Social Services agencies. Current participants, regardless of their age, may continue to participate as long as they meet the higher standards and their parents desire them to continue.

“These changes should not be viewed as a phaseout, but as a refinement of this program. The purpose of these modifications is to provide students with experiences that will promote spirituality, leadership, and academic excellence, and, therefore, strengthen the family, Church, and community.”