undefined undefined Changes Announced in Area Presidencies
Changes Announced in Area Presidencies
May 1985

“Changes Announced in Area Presidencies,” Ensign, May 1985, 98–99

Changes Announced in Area Presidencies

Following the 155th Annual General Conference, the First Presidency announced a number of changes in the Church’s thirteen Area Presidencies.

The changes will take effect 1 July 1985. They were occasioned in part by rotation in assignments for members of the First Quorum of the Seventy and by the addition of six new members to that quorum.

In addition, three more of the presidencies—those for Asia, Mexico/Central America, and South America North—have been assigned to live in the areas over which they preside. When the Area Presidencies were first called in 1984, it was announced that members of three of them—for Europe, the Pacific, and South America South—would live within their areas. They are based in Frankfurt, Germany; Sydney, Australia; and Buenos Aires, Argentina, respectively.

Headquarters cities for the Asia, Mexico/Central America, and South America North presidencies were not immediately announced.

Below, Area Presidents are followed by their first and second counselors.

North America Northeast

  • Northeast/Canada East

  • Midwest/Canada Central

  • North Central

Current Presidency: Elder Rex C. Reeve; Elder Wm. Grant Bangerter; Elder Derek A. Cuthbert

New Presidency: Elder Rex C. Reeve; Elder Derek A. Cuthbert; Elder Robert L. Simpson

North America Northwest

  • Northern Plains

  • Northwest/Canada B.C.

  • Idaho

Current Presidency: Elder Loren C. Dunn; Elder F. Enzio Busche; Elder George P. Lee

New Presidency: Elder Jack H. Goaslind; Elder George P. Lee; Elder Robert B. Harbertson

North America Southeast

  • South Central

  • Caribbean

  • Southeast

Current Presidency: Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone; Elder Ronald E. Poelman; Elder Keith W. Wilcox

New Presidency: Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone; Elder Ronald E. Poelman; Elder Robert E. Wells

North America Southwest

  • Southern Plains

  • Arizona/Nevada

Current Presidency: Elder Robert D. Hales; Elder Rex D. Pinegar; Elder Hartman Rector, Jr.

New Presidency: Elder Charles A. Didier; Elder Rex D. Pinegar; Elder Hartman Rector, Jr.

North America West

  • Southern California

  • Northern California

Current Presidency: Elder Robert L. Backman; Elder Paul H. Dunn; Elder John K. Carmack

New Presidency: Elder Robert L. Backman; Elder John K. Carmack; Elder F. Enzio Busche

Utah South

  • Granger/Murray

  • Provo

  • Southern Utah

Current Presidency: Elder Hugh W. Pinnock; Elder John H. Groberg; Elder Adney Y. Komatsu

New Presidency: Elder Hugh W. Pinnock; Elder Adney Y. Komatsu; Elder Paul H. Dunn

Utah North

  • Northern Utah

  • Ogden

  • Salt Lake City

Current Presidency: Elder James M. Paramore; Elder Yoshihiko Kikuchi; Elder F. Arthur Kay

New Presidency: Elder James M. Paramore; Elder Yoshihiko Kikuchi; Elder John H. Groberg


  • British Isles/Africa

  • Europe

  • France/Switzerland

  • Belgium/Netherlands

  • Italy/Spain/Portugal

Current Presidency: Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin; Elder Russell C. Taylor; Elder John Sonnenberg

New Presidency: Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin; Elder Russell C. Taylor; Elder Hans B. Ringger


  • Australia/New Zealand

  • Pacific Islands

  • Hawaii

Current Presidency: Elder Robert L. Simpson; Elder Devere Harris; Elder Philip T. Sonntag

New Presidency: Elder John Sonnenberg; Elder Devere Harris; Elder Philip T. Sonntag


  • Japan/Korea

  • Hong Kong/Taiwan

  • Southeast Asia Philippines

Current Presidency: Elder William R. Bradford; Elder Jack H. Goaslind; Elder Robert B. Harbertson

New Presidency: Elder William R. Bradford; Elder Jacob de Jager; Elder Keith W. Wilcox

Mexico/Central America

  • Mexico/Guatemala/Honduras

  • Costa Rica

  • Panama/El Salvador

  • Nicaragua

Current Presidency: Elder Gene R. Cook; Elder Ted E. Brewerton; Elder Angel Abrea

New Presidency: Elder Gene R. Cook; Elder Ted E. Brewerton; Elder F. Arthur Kay

South America North

  • Brazil

  • Venezuela/Colombia

  • Ecuador/Peru/Bolivia

Current Presidency: Elder Charles Didier; Elder Robert E. Wells; Elder F. Burton Howard

New Presidency: Elder F. Burton Howard; Elder Loren C. Dunn; Elder Helio R. Camargo

South America South

  • Argentina/Uruguay

  • Paraguay/Chile

Current Presidency: Elder A. Theodore Tuttle; Elder Jacob de Jager; Elder Spencer H. Osborn

New Presidency: Elder A. Theodore Tuttle; Elder Spencer H. Osborn; Elder Waldo P. Call