undefined undefined Church Pageants Offer Variety
Church Pageants Offer Variety
May 1985

“Church Pageants Offer Variety,” Ensign, May 1985, 109

Church Pageants Offer Variety

Frequently LDS families like to visit one of the Church-oriented pageants during the year. Although two of those have already completed their run this year—the pageant at the New Zealand Temple, “Hear Him” (January 17 to 19), and the Mesa, Arizona, pageant (April 1 to 6)—there are eight more yet to come. Following is a listing of the pageants scheduled for the remainder of 1985.




Independence, Missouri

June 27–29

Gerald Harris
11601 East 39th Street
Independence, MO 64052
(816) 252-9207

“Mormon Miracle,”
Manti Temple hill,
Manti, Utah

July 11–13, 16–20

Morgan Dyreng
202 South Main
Manti, UT 84642
(801) 835–2333

“And It Came to Pass,”
DeAuza College
Flint Center,
Cupertino, California

July 16–20, 23–27

Kenneth D. Foulger
1212 Chateau Drive
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 268–5548

“America’s Witness for Christ,”
Hill Cumorah,
Palmyra, New York

July 26, 27, 30, 31; August 1–3

Jack S. Dawson
1505 San Felipe
Rancho Santa Fe
Boulder City, NV 89005
(702) 293–5141

“City of Joseph,”
Nauvoo, Illinois,
adjacent to visitors’ center

August 13–17

Nauvoo Visitors’ Center
P.O. Box 215
Nauvoo, IL 62354
(217) 453–2237

“Nativity Pageant,”
Calgary, Alberta,

December 18–27

Del Ockey
c/o Cardell Construction
80 Willow Park Green S.E.
Calgary, Alberta T2J 3L1
(403) 271–5084

The Church is also offering assistance to two other pageants:

Castle Valley
Mountain Amphitheater,
Castle Dale, Utah

August 1–3

Montell Seely
Box 943
Castle Dale, UT 84513
(801) 381–2195

“Martin Harris, the Man Who Knew,”
Clarkston, Utah

August 27–31

Rhett James
600 Darwin Avenue
Logan, UT 84321
(801) 752–4265


Scenes from the Hill Cumorah pageant, “America’s Witness for Christ.”