undefined undefined Policies and Announcements
Policies and Announcements
July 1985

“Policies and Announcements,” Ensign, July 1985, 75

Policies and Announcements

The First Presidency has issued the following statement endorsing the forty-fifth annual observance in the United States of National Bible Week, 24 November through 1 December 1985:

The Holy Bible contains records of divine revelation. Indeed, it is a divine library in which are combined the works of many prophets and inspired writers acting under the influence of the same Holy Spirit. These sacred records have been preserved, as the Apostle Paul observed, “for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” (Rom. 15:4.)

We endorse the forty-fifth annual observance of National Bible Week, scheduled November 24 through December 1, 1985, and sponsored by the Laymen’s National Bible Committee. We encourage all people to ponder the scriptures and hearken diligently unto the commandments of God contained therein, and to love Him and serve Him, walking in all His ways and sharing the sacred message with one another.