undefined undefined Dad’s Slippers
Dad’s Slippers
July 1985

“Dad’s Slippers,” Ensign, July 1985, 71

Dad’s Slippers

My father was a remarkable person who had great love and concern for his fellowman. He manifested this by the consistent service he gave to others. When he passed from this life, my oldest brother assumed responsibility as our family patriarch.

When we met for our next annual family reunion, my brother, who had received a pair of my father’s favorite house slippers, gave some good counsel to all of us concerning the need for each of us to pattern our lives after our father’s life. He presented the slippers that had belonged to my father to one of us, with the challenge to “walk in Dad’s shoes” for a year, and then make a report at our next reunion.

We did not know then that within a month this brother, our oldest, would be taken from us in death. With his passing, the nine of us decided to continue his challenge and each year pass Dad’s slippers on to someone in the family. This year it is my turn. I have them hanging in my closet, where I see them every day, reminding me to “walk in Dad’s shoes.”

The challenge has already had a great impact on my life. Dad attended the temple often, loading his car with widows or others needing rides or encouragement. I have excused myself in the past as being too busy, but I am now attending the temple once a week. Dad sought out the unfortunate and helped wherever he could, often without being identified. I am trying each day to do something for someone outside my immediate family.

Can a pair of house slippers change your life? I think so. Each day as I see these shoes, I resolve anew to do the things I have seen my father do. Ruth M. Anderson, Logan, Utah