“Where Shaded Woodlands Part,” Ensign, Oct. 1985, 7
Where Shaded Woodlands Part
We wait, each for the other to abate
This silenced mood with phrases steeped in warm
Intoxicating sun, alleviate
This lengthened hour, again walk arm in arm.
Pride clings tenaciously as winter’s chill,
As ice on stilted oak in stubborn cold;
Yet time has always known the thaw and will
Again as wreaths of light and love unfold.
Like quaking aspen dancing restlessly
On furring mountain slopes, and fluted wind
That laves ripe grain, unspoken thoughts stir free
And syllables in sentient tones descend.
Let mind meet mind where shaded woodlands part,
For words without their shadows heal the heart.
“Mormon Home,” by Maynard Dixon