undefined undefined Keeping Children’s Histories Up to Date
Keeping Children’s Histories Up to Date
December 1985

“Keeping Children’s Histories Up to Date,” Ensign, Dec. 1985, 68–69

Keeping Children’s Histories Up to Date

To help keep the children’s scrapbooks and personal histories up to date, I use a yearly handout.

On New Year’s Day, I ask each child to fill out a questionnaire, which I have duplicated in advance, for his book of remembrance. The forms include such items as the following: things that have happened to me during the past year, plans and hopes for the future, New Year’s resolutions, my best friend, my height and weight, my favorite color, my greatest wish, what I think I’ll be doing at age twenty and at age thirty, the thing I enjoy doing most, one thing I wish I could do better, why I like or don’t like being my age, my favorite season of the year, a good book I read this year, and an interesting person I have met.

I insert these forms in their scrapbooks along with memorabilia we have collected in file folders throughout the year and, presto, the books are up to date. Ruth Dickson, Salt Lake City, Utah