undefined undefined At the Garden Tomb, John 1:5
At the Garden Tomb, John 1:5
March 1986

“At the Garden Tomb, John 1:5,” Ensign, Mar. 1986, 67

At the Garden Tomb, John 1:5

Honorable Mention

As a small sun arising out of turn

Shines that great star in slow-wheeling night,

Rousing sheep and shepherds to angel hosannas

For cave-born Babe in a slumbering hill-town.

By the second hour the morning mists are burning,

And glinting off the Galilee dazzle the stony hillsides

Where the Words of light are flowing, flowing,

And only the sightless are seeing.

And here in an hour before the dawning comes

The rising of that Son in soul-burst dark-drenching wakening,

Day-breaking gathering of star and sun and Word,

All Light coming full in a great and shining circle.

“Christ Laments over Jerusalem,” by Gary E. Smith