May 1986

“Contents,” Ensign, May 1986, 3


May 1986

Volume 16 Number 5


On the cover: Photography by Jed A. Clark.


Inside front cover: Harmony, Pennsylvania, by Al Rounds, 24″ by 30″, watercolor, 1985. Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bushnell.


In December of 1827, Joseph and Emma Smith moved to Harmony, Pennsylvania, where Joseph began to translate the gold plates. The Susquehanna River was only a short distance from the house the Smiths occupied. On 15 May 1829, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery retired to the woods near the river and prayed to know more about baptism and the remission of sins. John the Baptist appeared to the two men and conferred the Aaronic Priesthood upon them. They then baptized each other.


Inside back cover: Approaching Storm, by Elva Malin, 24″ by 48″, oil, 1984.


A view of Salt Lake City and the Wasatch Mountains from the northwestern part of the valley. At the left is the Utah state capitol; the Church Office Building, Salt Lake Temple, and surrounding buildings are at the right.


Photography in this issue features the Solemn Assembly and other scenes of conference. All conference photography is by Audiovisual Planning and Development, Photo Section: Michael M. McConkie, chief photographer; Eldon K. Linschoten; Marty Mayo; Jed A. Clark. Photography in the welfare supplement is by John Snyder.