“Some Personal and Family Welfare Goals: What Can I Do Now?” Ensign, May 1986, 85
A Personal and Family Concern
Some Personal and Family Welfare Goals:
What Can I Do Now?
1. Learn principles of individual and family well-being.
□ Am I learning principles of welfare—such as work, self-reliance, provident living, giving, and caring for the poor—through studying the scriptures (see the Topical Guide in the LDS edition of the King James Bible), general conference talks, and Church publications?
□ Am I learning to apply welfare principles through attending Church meetings and classes, fulfilling Church callings, and participating in service activities?
□ Am I teaching these principles to my family in home evening?
□ Are we planning ways to implement welfare principles through discussing them in husband/wife councils and family councils?
□ How well are we applying the things we are learning?
2. Become self-reliant and live providently.
□ Am I praying individually and with my family to seek the Lord’s help in taking care of myself, my family, and others?
□ Am I managing my finances wisely?
□ Am I producing and storing food and other necessities?
□ Am I maintaining good physical health?
□ Am I working to develop social, emotional, and spiritual strength?
□ Do I have a good education? Could I improve it?
□ Have I prepared adequately for a successful career? Should I upgrade it?
□ Am I prepared for emergencies?
□ Do I accept responsibility for my own and my family’s support and well-being?
3. Increase my fast offering donations for the needy.
□ Am I giving a generous amount of fast offerings?
□ Should I give more?
4. Consistently be involved in compassionate service to family, neighbors, Church, and community.
□ Have I prayed to seek direction from the Lord on who and how to serve?
□ How can I better serve my family members?
□ What can I do for my neighbors?
□ Who can I help in my ward or stake?
□ What can I contribute to my community?
Photography by John Snyder