undefined undefined Gospel Doctrine Study Plans to Be Broadcast
Gospel Doctrine Study Plans to Be Broadcast
November 1986

“Gospel Doctrine Study Plans to Be Broadcast,” Ensign, Nov. 1986, 102

Gospel Doctrine Study Plans to Be Broadcast

A program introducing the 1987 Gospel Doctrine course of study will be broadcast by satellite on Sunday, November 9, beginning at 6:05 P.M. (MST) and again at 8:05 P.M. that same evening. The prerecorded program will be broadcast over the Church satellite network to stake centers for viewing by high council advisers to the Sunday School, stake and ward Sunday School presidencies, Gospel Doctrine teachers, meetinghouse librarians, and other interested adults.

The announcement of the broadcast is from President Howard W. Hunter, Acting President of the Council of the Twelve. The hour-long telecast will detail the Church’s 1987 scripture reading program, which features the New Testament. New study materials will also be introduced.

A 26-minute videotape, “Where Jesus Walked,” will follow the broadcast. This portion of the program may be viewed by those present then or at a later date.

The program will be broadcast in English only. It should be recorded by stakes or wards for viewing later in 1986 or early 1987 by Gospel Doctrine class members or others who wish to see it. The taped recordings can be used to stimulate interest in the New Testament and to inform Church members of resources that are available to them.