undefined undefined Policies and Announcements
Policies and Announcements
November 1986

“Policies and Announcements,” Ensign, Nov. 1986, 104

Policies and Announcements

The following items appeared in the September 1986 Bulletin.

Birth Certificates for Missionary Candidates. As part of the recommendation process, each missionary candidate should obtain a certified copy of his birth certificate. If he does not already have one, he should request one from the clerk of the county where he was born or from other appropriate government agencies (such as the Department of Vital Statistics or Department of Health). He should specify that he needs a certified copy. By obtaining this certificate at the time of recommendation, the candidate can save considerable time in obtaining a visa and thus avoid frustrating delays in entering the mission field if he is assigned to a mission outside his own country. The candidate should keep the certificate and, if he is assigned to a mission outside his own country, use it in applying for a passport or visa according to the instructions received from Murdock Travel.

Appropriate Music for Church Meetings. Hymns are the basic music for Latter-day Saint meetings. Other songs, anthems, and musical selections should be in keeping with the spirit of the hymns of the Church. Some religiously oriented music in a popular style can be uplifting and motivating for some of our members but may lack the dignity and propriety suitable for a worship service. Also, music which might be suitable in a concert setting may not be appropriate for a worship service.

See “Guidelines for Appropriate Music” in the Music Guide for Priesthood Leaders, 1986.

Music Copyright Violations. Sometimes members of the Church, because they are involved in a worthy cause, feel it permissible to make copies of material bearing a non-Church copyright. Members are free to copy and use (1) material with a Church copyright or (2) material bearing a notice specifically stating that the material may be copied. Other copyrighted materials must not be copied.

Promotion of Books or Products in Church Meetings. In harmony with long-established policy, we reaffirm that individuals must not promote privately published books or other creative works in Church meetings.

When authors or sponsors of creative works participate in Church meetings, they should be counseled to refrain from promotion of their creative work. The announcement or introduction of such participation must also avoid any such promotion.

The following item is from the August 1986 Bulletin.

Youth leaders are to ensure that all activities planned for young men and young women comply with Church standards. Youth leaders have a responsibility to both the youth and the Lord to see that dress standards, music, movies, videocassettes, and other entertainment are in keeping with truth and righteousness.

Activities should be planned with a purpose—to help youth experience the joy of putting gospel principles to work in their lives. Appropriate activities enable youth to interact with each other, build relationships with friends, leaders, and parents; enjoy health; serve others; and exert an influence for righteousness.