undefined undefined Beyond the Tip of Mystery
Beyond the Tip of Mystery
January 1987

“Beyond the Tip of Mystery,” Ensign, Jan. 1987, 21

Beyond the Tip of Mystery

Probing beyond the tip of mystery

Into all greatnesses without surcease,

I stretched and bent to snatch from history,

To draw from art, a vision of true peace.

I searched wars, treaties, wars again,

The heights and fathoms of life’s temporal flood,

But found no quiet thing: the hands of men

Shook with the restlessness of flesh and blood.

Till from a wandering stream arose the sweet

of peace, and from the furrows of a plow,

And from the eager flowing of grown wheat

And gentle blowing of a blossomed bough.

In all the rich intangibles of home

Was peace that penetrated to my soul:

I marvel that a thing so great is but

The nectar from the common and the small.