undefined undefined Mexican Saints Honor Nation’s Constitution
Mexican Saints Honor Nation’s Constitution
May 1987

“Mexican Saints Honor Nation’s Constitution,” Ensign, May 1987, 100

Mexican Saints Honor Nation’s Constitution

Hundreds of Church members in Mexico reaffirmed their loyalty to their country with early morning flag-raising ceremonies at LDS meetinghouses on two recent national holidays—Constitution Day, February 5, and Flag Day, February 24.

In programs held throughout the country, members gathered at ward and branch buildings on both days to see the national flag raised and to sing the national anthem. On Constitution Day, the groups heard speakers praise the national constitution and reaffirm the Church belief in “being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.” (A of F 1:12.)

Uniformed military bands and bugle corps performed at some of the flag raisings, and government officials attended in some areas.

In Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, rain failed to dampen patriotic fervor. The Constitution Day observances at the LDS meetinghouses were mentioned in the city’s newspaper as well as on television.

“Especially, we want to remember the benefits that we as members of the Church are guaranteed by the Constitution,” said President Jorge Montoya of Mexico City Mexico Ermita Stake. “Thanks to that document, we enjoy the freedom to worship God.”