undefined undefined Tabernacle Organ Gets Refurbished Console
Tabernacle Organ Gets Refurbished Console
May 1987

“Tabernacle Organ Gets Refurbished Console,” Ensign, May 1987, 98

Tabernacle Organ Gets Refurbished Console

The Mormon Tabernacle organ, one of the world’s most famous musical instruments, has a newly refurbished console.

Tabernacle organist Robert Cundick said the Aeolian-Skinner organ console, which was rebuilt over the past two years, was delivered and installed in mid-February.

“Organ pipes never wear out,” Cundick said, “but a console does.” The renovation of the console has included installing five new keyboards, all new stops, resurfaced pedals, and repairing and refinishing the walnut/mahogany case.

In addition, craftsmen are beginning to install the wind chests on which a total of 766 new pipes will rest. The organ now has nearly eleven thousand pipes. The additional pipes to be installed will range in length from one-half inch to sixteen feet.

As part of the renovation project, new electronic equipment has been installed to enable organists to more quickly access tones. The new equipment has increased the combinations of tones from the 20 combinations originally available to 1,280 combinations.

The Aeolian-Skinner organ was originally installed in 1948.