“Elder Paramore Called to Presidency of the First Quorum of the Seventy,” Ensign, Aug. 1987, 74–75
Elder Paramore Called to Presidency of the First Quorum of the Seventy
The First Presidency has announced the calling of Elder James M. Paramore as a member of the Presidency of the First Quorum of the Seventy.

Elder James M. Paramore has been a General Authority since 2 April 1977.
Elder Paramore will replace Elder Jack H. Goaslind, who is being assigned as Area President for the British Isles/Africa Area.
Elder Paramore has served ten years as a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy. He is currently President of the Utah North Area and Managing Director of the Curriculum Department.
Prior to his call as a General Authority, he served as executive secretary to the Quorum of the Twelve. He has also served as regional representative, as a member of the General Church Missionary Committee, and as president of the Belgium Brussels Mission.
He has also served as stake president, bishop, and high councilor.
Before entering full-time Church service, Elder Paramore had worked in the engineering department of a steel-manufacturing company, as a seminary teacher, and as executive director of the Utah Committee on Children and Youth.
He was employed by the church in various positions in the Missionary Department, Internal Communications Department, Office of the Council of Twelve, and the Church Leadership Training Executive Committee.
“Each of these work and Church assignments has been a blessing and preparation in my life, and I’m grateful for all the fine people who have trained and helped me,” says Elder Paramore.
A graduate of Brigham Young University, Elder Paramore and his wife, Helen Heslington Paramore, are parents of six children.