[photos] On the cover: Photography by Welden Anderson. Front cover: On Main Street in Nauvoo is the restored Print Shop, where the fourth edition of the Book of Mormon was printed. Superimposed photo: Inside the building, Bill and Linda Rattray, a missionary couple from Winnipeg, Manitoba, show visitors how the printing press worked. Elder Rattray is wearing glasses that belonged to editor John Taylor, who later became the third President of the Church. Back cover: Behind the Heber C. Kimball home, you’ll discover an old pump. The Snow-Ashby home, restored on the outside, is a residence for missionary couples.
[illustration] Inside front cover: The Premortal Christ, by Robert T. Barrett, 21″ by 17″, oil on board, 1985.
[illustration] Inside back cover: Joseph Making Himself Known to His Brothers, by Ted Henninger, 36″ by 24″, oil on canvas, 1981.