undefined undefined New Relief Society Manual Announced
New Relief Society Manual Announced
November 1987

“New Relief Society Manual Announced,” Ensign, Nov. 1987, 110

New Relief Society Manual Announced

A new Relief Society personal study guide titled Come unto Me has been prepared for use in 1988. The manuals in English are now at the Church Distribution Center, and manuals in other languages will be available soon.

“The personal study guide is designed to help LDS women use gospel principles in their lives every day,” said Barbara W. Winder, Relief Society general president. “It includes truly inspired lessons on living spiritually, as well as excellent advice on home management, family education, and social relations.”

The manual’s preface notes, “The lessons were written to encourage women to pray, to study the scriptures, to listen to the voice of the living prophets, to keep the commandments, and to perform works of righteousness.”

This manual and the 1987 manual, Learn of Me, are both centered on Christ.

“The information indexed in the manuals is cumulative and provides valuable resource materials that can be used throughout the years,” Sister Winder said.

“We feel the new study guide is a perfectly balanced work,” she pointed out. “Each lesson is planned to help women accomplish in their own homes the basic mission of the Church—to proclaim the gospel, perfect the Saints, and redeem the dead.

“The acceptance of the new manuals has been overwhelming,” Sister Winder added. “Women like the emphasis placed on spirituality.”

The 1988 study guide features the art of Minerva Teichert on the section division pages. The paintings depict Book of Mormon subjects that emphasize the book’s theme.

The manual is based on the 1988 adult reading course, The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. “We encourage the sisters to follow the Prophet’s instruction to read and study the Book of Mormon this year,” Sister Winder concluded.