undefined undefined New Version of ‘Man’s Search for Happiness’ Produced
New Version of ‘Man’s Search for Happiness’ Produced
November 1987

“New Version of ‘Man’s Search for Happiness’ Produced,” Ensign, Nov. 1987, 106

New Version of “Man’s Search for Happiness” Produced

A new version of the Church’s classic film, Man’s Search for Happiness, has been produced by the Brigham Young University Media Production Department.

A new videotape of the thirteen-minute film was transmitted, via satellite, to more than one thousand stake centers in the United States and Canada, where it was recorded on videotape for inclusion in local stake and ward libraries.

The movie, which portrays the Church’s teachings about the purpose of life, will be used in LDS visitors’ centers and by missionaries, according to Elder Robert L. Backman, a member of the Presidency of the First Quorum of the Seventy and Executive Director of the Missionary Department.

Man’s Search for Happiness was first shown in the Mormon Pavilion at the New York World’s Fair in 1964–65. It was seen by several million visitors there and has since been seen by millions more in Church visitors’ centers.

The new version of the movie was filmed primarily in the BYU Motion Picture Studio, with location shots in Salt Lake City and in eastern Utah. The original narration by the late Elder Richard L. Evans of the Council of the Twelve has been retained, along with the original script. Updated are the visuals and background music.