undefined undefined President Howard W. Hunter Honored by Scottish Clan
President Howard W. Hunter Honored by Scottish Clan
January 1988

“President Howard W. Hunter Honored by Scottish Clan,” Ensign, Jan. 1988, 75

President Howard W. Hunter Honored by Scottish Clan

President Howard W. Hunter, Acting President of the Council of the Twelve, was honored on October 20 by the Clan Hunter of Scotland.

The honor came in recognition of President Hunter’s “inestimable contributions … to the work of genealogy and the advancement of family life,” according to Charles Hunter, clan administrator. Mr. Hunter is the heir who will become hereditary World Chief of Clan Hunter and the thirtieth Laird of Hunterston, ancestral home of the clan.

President Hunter was also cited for “his great example of humanitarian service and love for all mankind.” Charles Hunter referred to him as “one of the noblest scions of a noble race, and one of the greatest Hunters of them all.”

The clan’s presentation, made at a Salt Lake City luncheon, also commemorated President Hunter’s eightieth birthday, which was November 14. Elder David B. Haight of the Council of the Twelve conducted the luncheon. Elder Bernard P. Brockbank, emeritus member of the First Quorum of the Seventy and president of the Church’s first mission in Scotland, was also present.

Mr. Hunter presented President Hunter with a framed certificate recognizing him as a life member of the Clan Hunter and signed by The Much Honored Neil Avlmer Hunter, The Hunter, Chief of the Clan.

President Hunter was also presented a tartan and a framed silk-screen print of a painting of Hunterston Castle, which is located on the west coast of Scotland.

Responding, President Hunter said that although he had never lived in Scotland, “Many of us feel that it is our homeland.” His grandfather emigrated from Scotland in 1860.

President Howard W. Hunter, right, receives a painting of Hunterston Castle from Charles Hunter.