undefined undefined Appointments
March 1988

“Appointments,” Ensign, Mar. 1988, 79


Temple President

Louis E. Ringger, of Orem, Utah, has been called to preside over the Swiss Temple. His wife, Hilde Lore Sennhauser Ringger, will serve as matron. A retired steel company executive, President Ringger has served as a regional representative, a counselor in a stake presidency, and a bishop. He succeeds his brother, Carl W. Ringger, as Swiss Temple President. Sister Ringger has also served in Church administrative and teaching positions.

Mission Presidents

Adolfo Avalos, a school teacher from Oaxaca, Mexico, will preside over the Guatemala Guatemala City South Mission. He has served as a regional representative, a stake president, and a bishop. His wife, Josefina, will assist him.

Douglas Ken Earl, an attorney from Moses Lake, Washington, will preside over the Peru Lima East Mission. His wife, Connie, will accompany him. President Earl has served as a stake high councilor and as a bishop.

Santiago Mejia, of Puebla, Mexico, will be president of the Mexico Torreon Mission. A microfilming manager, he has served the Church as a regional representative and as a stake president. His wife, Rosa, will assist him.

Alberto De La O, an employee of the Church Educational System, will preside over the Mexico Tuxtla Gutierrez Mission, accompanied by his wife, Lidia. A native of Mexico City, he has served as a counselor in a stake presidency and as a counselor in a bishopric.

Rufino Alvarez Villanueva, Jr., Bacolod City, Philippines, will preside over the Philippines Cagayan de Oro Mission. An institute of religion director in the Church Educational System, he has served as a regional representative, a stake president, and a bishop. His wife, Josefina, will assist him.

Francisco Jose Vinas, of Montevideo, Uruguay, will preside over the Argentina Salta Mission, accompanied by his wife, Christina. President Vinas is an employee of the Church Educational System, and has served as a regional representative, a stake president, and a bishop.

Steven Rich Wright, of Orem, Utah, will preside over the Bolivia La Paz Mission. His wife, Hariella, will assist him in his new assignment. A staff member of the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah, President Wright has served as a high councilor, a bishop, and a branch president.

Regional Representatives

San Juan Puerto Rico Region, Franklin Hyrum Talley, retired, former executive secretary to Area Presidency.

Boston Massachusetts, Augusta Maine, and Hartford Connecticut regions, Gordon H. Williams, professor of medicine.