undefined undefined Contents
October 1988

“Contents,” Ensign, Oct. 1988, 1


October 1988

Volume 18 Number 10

On the front cover: Haying Time, by Lorus Pratt, 30 5/8″ by 48 5/8″, oil on canvas, 1894. Courtesy of Utah State History Museum, Utah State Historical Society.

On the back cover: Winter, by John Hafen, 16″ by 24″, oil on canvas, 1902. Courtesy of the Museum of Church History and Art.

Inside front cover: The Iron Rod, by Jeff Martin, 18″ by 24″, pastel, 1986. Selected for the 1987 Church Fine Arts Competition show.

Inside back cover: The Return, by David Hoeft, 117″ by 34″, oil on canvas, 1987.