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LDS Scene
January 1989

“LDS Scene,” Ensign, Jan. 1989, 80

LDS Scene

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The late Belle Smith Spafford, general president of the Relief Society from 1945 to 1974, was honored recently by the National Council of Women for her distinguished service to women. At the national council’s centennial meeting, Sister Spafford was posthumously cited for her outstanding contributions to the regional, national, and international councils of women and for her contributions to the advancement of women throughout the world. While serving as general president of the Relief Society, she also served a two-year term as president of the National Council of Women. Florence Smith Jacobsen accepted the award on behalf of Sister Spafford. Sister Jacobsen is former general president of the Young Women organization of the Church and a member of the National Council.

RICHMOND, VIRGINIA—The Richmond Virginia Stake has been recognized for its service to the homeless. The executive director of the city’s Street Center presented the stake with a plaque at a Saturday evening session of stake conference. The plaque honored the service of stake members at the center since 1985. More than 2,500 people have been involved in the stake project. Some members travel more than one hundred miles when it is their ward’s or branch’s turn to prepare and serve breakfast to homeless people at the Street Center.