Outside covers: Portraits of President Ezra Taft Benson. Painting by Knud Edsberg, 30″ by 40″, oil, 1988, courtesy of the Museum of Church History and Art; photography by Don Busath.
Inside front cover: Chatburn-Downham, England, by Al Rounds, 20″ by 30″, watercolor, 1987. Courtesy of Mr. Robert Pratt. In 1838 in England, Heber C. Kimball and James Fielding traveled this road from the village of Chatburn to Downham. Townspeople who had embraced the gospel on their earlier visits bid them farewell, and more than forty young people accompanied them to Downham, a mile away, singing the songs of Zion. “Their parents gazed upon the scene with delight … and praised the God of heaven for sending us to unfold the principles of truth and the plan of salvation to them,” wrote Elder Kimball.
Inside back cover: Sisters, by Ann Marie Oborn, 18″ x 24″, oil, 1984. Courtesy of the Merlin Bladd family.