undefined undefined Appointments
August 1989

“Appointments,” Ensign, Aug. 1989, 79–80


Temple Presidents

J. Elliot Cameron of Salt Lake City has been called to preside over the Provo Temple. His wife, Maxine Petty Cameron, will serve as temple matron. President Cameron has been serving as commissioner of the Church Educational System. His previous Church callings include regional representative, stake president, and bishop.

The new president of the Atlanta Georgia Temple will be A. Harold Goodman, of Provo, Utah. His wife, Naomi F. Goodman, will be temple matron. President Goodman has previously served in the Church as chairman of the Church Music Department, as a mission president, and as a stake president.

Conrad V. Hatch of Cedar City, Utah, has been called as the new president of the St. George Temple. His wife, Elva Oldroyd Hatch, will serve as matron. President Hatch has served as a regional representative, a stake president, and a bishop.

Roger L. Pugmire of Littleton, Colorado, will be the new president of the Denver Colorado Temple. His wife, JoAnne Thompson Pugmire, will serve as temple matron. President Pugmire is a former counselor in a temple presidency, stake high councilor, and counselor in a bishopric.

Max L. Willis of Mesa, Arizona, has been called as president of the Santiago Chile Temple. His wife, Amy Luella Erickson Willis, will be temple matron. President Willis has previously served as a regional representative, a mission president, and a bishop.

Regional Representatives

Adelaide Australia and Perth Australia regions, Geoffrey J. Liddicoat, media executive, former stake president, former bishop.

Bountiful Utah and Val Verda Utah regions, Stephen D. Nadauld, college president, former bishop, former counselor in a stake presidency.

Custer Idaho, Rigby Idaho, and Shelley Idaho regions, Robert M. Wilkes, college faculty member, former stake president, former bishop.

Mission President

Joseph Fielding McConkie of Orem, Utah, a professor of ancient scripture at BYU, has been called to preside over the Scotland Edinburgh Mission. He and his wife, Brenda K. McConkie, have nine children, eight of whom will accompany them in this assignment.

Primary General Board

Karen B. Lofgreen of Ogden, Utah, a professor of education, has served previously as a stake Relief Society president and as a Young Women activities counselor.

Virginia H. Pearce of Salt Lake City, a therapist at a counseling center, is a former counselor in a Relief Society presidency and a former Young Women adviser.

Bonnie M. Winterton of Salt Lake City, an adjunct associate professor of music, has served as a stake choir director and a Young Women teacher.

Sigma Gamma Chi Vice Presidents

Sigma Gamma Chi, the Church-sponsored college fraternity for men, has announced the calls of two national vice presidents:

William C. Loos of Salt Lake City, director of governmental relations at a university, is a former bishop, high councilor, and Young Men president.

Wayne S. Peterson of Salt Lake City, president of a real estate development firm, has served previously as a mission president, a stake president, and a bishop.