“What Is Real Broadcast in U.S., Canada,” Ensign, Dec. 1989, 70
What Is Real Broadcast in U.S., Canada
A Church-sponsored television special entitled What Is Real was broadcast in August and September during prime time on television stations throughout the U. S. and Canada.
The half-hour program portrays a young father compelled to search for answers to tough questions posed by his confused teenage daughter. It addresses the vital issues that face young people today—choosing between right and wrong, finding lasting happiness, and facing the temptations posed by drugs, immorality, and worldly company.
Elder Robert L. Backman, Executive Director of the Missionary Department, describes What Is Real as “a warm, thought-provoking story that will lead many people to ask themselves important questions. We anticipate that this new direct gospel message will build on our previous productions, providing our missionaries with many teaching opportunities kindled by its delightful story.”
Shown on prime-time television in more than sixty major cities throughout North America, specifically those that have an LDS mission headquarters, the program had a potential audience of 250 million viewers. In all areas outside Utah, viewers were offered a free audiotape of a gospel message broadcast earlier if they would respond to a televised number. Viewers in Utah were told that representatives of the Church would be willing to visit if they would like further information.
Members of the Church were encouraged to invite friends into their homes on the Monday evenings when the programs were shown in their area. “These video programs are a means of using the powerful medium of television to spread the gospel message to the world,” explains Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve. “Mission presidents around the world are reporting that members and missionaries alike enjoy sharing these fine productions with their friends and contacts.”
The Church has sponsored three programs to present a single theme: Through Jesus Christ, our Heavenly Father has provided the plan for families and individuals to find peace and happiness. The first production, Our Heavenly Father’s Plan (stock number VNVV4033), was aired a year ago; the second, Together Forever (stock number VNVV4112), was broadcast early in 1989; and now What Is Real (stock number VNVV4166) has been televised. Each program takes a different approach to dramatize the importance of the gospel in people’s lives. Each of the programs is available through Church distribution centers for $6.00. Audiotapes of Our Heavenly Father’s Plan (stock number VVOT4155) and Together Forever (VVOT4257) are available for $1.00. According to Elder Backman, more such productions are being planned.
A film crew shoots a scene from What Is Real. The video production has been broadcast throughout the United States and Canada. (Photo by John Bigler.)