March 1990

“Comment,” Ensign, Mar. 1990, 74


It Takes a Lot of Teachers!

I was touched by the article “Only a Teacher” in the January 1990 Ensign. I have always loved my career—I teach! I don’t teach in a classroom; in fact, I don’t get a salary. I’m a mother.

My husband is a doctor, and I would cringe if I ever heard my children brag, “My dad is a doctor, and yours is only a teacher.” My response would be: “It took a lot of teachers to make your dad a doctor!”

Marina Coates
Topeka, Kansas

Conference by Shortwave

As a member of the military, I find it difficult to watch conference because of the places I am assigned during the sessions. But I have found a valuable resource in radio station KUSW, located in Salt Lake City. It transmits all sessions of conference in shortwave, so its signal can be heard throughout South America and the Pacific region.

I think other Saints would find this information helpful, too. In spite of the quantum leaps that have been made in technology, there remains a sizable number of Saints who gather around their radio sets to listen to the voice of the prophet twice a year.

Mark E. Jensen
Coronado, California

Support Your Married Children

Thank you for “But I Thought Husbands Always Took Out the Garbage!” in the October 1989 Ensign. I have recommended the article to several young adults, both members and nonmembers of the Church.

As an extension of this article, it is important that young adults discuss expectations with their parents before marriage. Stress can certainly be placed on a marriage when visits to both sets of parents are required each holiday. Logistics sometimes makes this impossible. But if couples are unable to visit each set of parents on a given holiday, what about alternating holidays? That may certainly be fair to the in-laws, but how does a young family establish their own traditions if they are expected to spend every holiday with in-laws?

All of us should remember that we do not live in a vacuum. Whatever actions we take generally affect someone else. Just as young adults are encouraged to work out differences both before and after they are married, parents can be supportive by not making demands that might invite friction. As we learn to have better relationships in our families, we prepare ourselves to live with our extended families in the celestial kingdom.

Fredrich J. Cruse
Hannibal, Missouri

Thanks to the Wycliffe Translators!

I found the January 1990 Ensign especially interesting because of your article on the work of the Wycliffe translators (“The Bible—Only 4,263 Languages to Go”). For the past twenty-two years I have been a trainer and tutor in a literacy program in Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and California. While I was serving in Ramona, in San Diego County, from 1972 to 1977, several of the Wycliffe people flew in to have their planes serviced or to train for difficult flying conditions. While the men were working out problems at the airport, their wives came to me at the literacy training center to learn our method of teaching others to read.

Since then, I have spoken often of the Wycliffe translators, but nobody in our church seemed to know about them. Now they will! They are doing a God-given work that precedes our missionary work around the world—and with a most devoted personal sacrifice.

Margaret Hyatt Young
Santa Maria, California

Capable, Knowledgeable Converts

In the September 1989 issue, in a nice article about the Saints in New Zealand, the author wrote: “Many current Church leaders are second- or even first-generation members, yet their confidence and depth suggest much longer tenure.”

I’m sure comments like this are intended to be a compliment; however, they simply reinforce the fallacy that converts are somehow less capable—more prone to be shallow and timid concerning the gospel. As a convert myself, I don’t feel any less confident or knowledgeable about the gospel than any “lifer” my own age. In fact I think my sacrifices for the gospel have given me a special “confidence and depth.”

Lauri Leslie
Evergreen, Colorado

More on “Who Will Adopt a Dying Child?”

I want to thank Sister Carole Hankal for sharing the heartrending story about her adopted Korean son, “Who Will Adopt a Dying Child?” (October 1989).

My husband and I recently adopted a child from India who was born with a heart condition and was left hearing-impaired. I can empathize with Brother and Sister Hankal’s experience; it reinforced the love we have for our Indian son. These children, though physically handicapped, are born with Christlike potential. Our experience has been a testimony to our biological children that we are all truly children of our Father in Heaven.

Judy Rice
New London, Ohio

Only minutes ago, I finished reading “Who Will Adopt a Dying Child?” in the October 1989 issue of the Ensign. Afterward, I went and looked at my beautiful three-year-old son and thought about how much we love and cherish him, and my heart broke for children like Derek Kim. But I thank God for wonderful Saints like the Hankals who offer their love to children with special needs.

Regina Bradley
Harvest, Alabama

“On the Air from the Fair”

Your recent article on the Church’s World’s Fair pavilion (October 1989) did not mention a fact that was noted worldwide. That was that WNYW, the Church-owned shortwave station, was “On the Air from the Fair” every day for the duration of the fair.

When the Church purchased WRUL, I was asked to design and build a new studio complex, and when it became necessary to move the station a few years later it was renamed WNYW (Radio New York Worldwide) and relocated on Madison Avenue. When the fair came along, we built a studio in the pavilion and provided extensive facilities for remote broadcasting from all over the fair. Every country had its day. Interestingly, Joe Garafalo, the nonmember chief engineer, loved Man’s Search for Happiness, and he and I saw it several times at his suggestion.

Fred C. Roberts
Paterson, New Jersey
