October 1990

“Contents,” Ensign, Oct. 1990, 1


October 1990

Volume 20 Number 10

On the cover: Antolin Estevan Rodriguez and his wife, Rosa Garcia, of Santiago, Dominican Republic, with their children—Rolin, eight, Salomon, five, and Roselin, two. Backdrop: Mountains and countryside outside Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Republic. Photography by Jed VanDenBerghe.

Inside front cover: The End of Parley Street, by Glen Hopkinson, 24″ by 30″, oil, 1990. Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Menlo Smith. When the early Saints left Nauvoo in February 1846, they left behind the unfinished temple they had sacrificed to build, in which many of them had received sacred ordinances. Begun in 1841 and dedicated in 1846, it was located on a high bluff on the east side of the Mississippi River. This painting depicts the ongoing work in the evening hours to complete the temple, even as the Saints began to move west.

Inside back cover: Job, by Gary Kapp, 23″ x 38″, oil, 1988. Despite his suffering, and though his friends suggested his afflictions were a punishment from God, Job said, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in [God.]” (Job 13:15.) He prayed for understanding, and “the Lord blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning.” (Job 42:12.)
