undefined undefined Policies and Announcements
Policies and Announcements
May 1991

“Policies and Announcements,” Ensign, May 1991, 109–10

Policies and Announcements

The following items were among those appearing in 1991-1 Bulletin:

Civil Marriages

Subsequent to the 1990-2 Bulletin, a number of inquiries have come regarding marriages performed in a Church building. For clarification, it has been determined that (1) any wedding march would be inappropriate, (2) the location of the ceremony in the chapel should be left to the determination of the one performing the ceremony, and (3) the use of video recorders or cameras in the chapel is not permitted. (See General Handbook of Instructions [30943], p. 6-6.)

Approved Curriculum Materials

Church units are to use approved curriculum materials.

The First Presidency has said: “Church materials always will be conveyed to you (1) directly and personally by your ecclesiastical leaders, (2) in a letter by authorized Church leaders using official Church letterhead stationery, or (3) by announcement in an official Church publication such as the Bulletin. … Only these materials require your attention and action.” (First Presidency letter, 9 Oct. 1984.)

Approved materials can be ordered through Church distribution centers.

In those classes where the scriptures are designated as texts, the scriptures should remain the focus of attention. Instructors and class members should not replace the scriptures with other texts and study guides that have not been approved for the class.

Unavailable Teaching Materials

In order to meet the needs of the ever-growing Church worldwide, it is necessary to reduce and simplify curriculum materials. Leaders should inform their teachers and meetinghouse librarians that some teaching aids called for in lesson manuals and other Church publications are no longer available from Church distribution centers. These include preprinted copies of student handouts and some library pictures, filmstrips, and videocassettes.

Current Church distribution center catalogs list those materials that are still available for purchase.

Church History Exhibit

An inspiring new exhibit on Church history is open to visitors at the Museum of Church History and Art, just west of Temple Square in Salt Lake City. The message of the exhibit reinforces such basic themes of the Restoration as conversion, covenants, and a sense of community among Latter-day Saints, both historically and today.

Members and friends of the Church who see this and other exhibits enjoy faith-promoting and enriching experiences. The museum is open daily at no charge. The exhibits are self-guided for individuals, families, and small groups. Groups may request a special educational tour by calling (801) 240-2299 at least two weeks in advance.

Competitive Sports Participation of Nineteen-Year-Old Young Men

As stated in the General Handbook of Instructions (30943; see p. 4-2), all nineteen-year-old young men should be affiliated with the elders quorum as elders or prospective elders. When young men reach nineteen years of age and have a desire to participate in sports, they are expected to participate in the adult division of Church competitive sports. Upon reaching their nineteenth birthday, they may not continue to play on an Aaronic Priesthood-age young men’s team.

This clarification is effective 1 April 1991.

The Temple Endowment in American Sign Language for the Deaf

All temples in the United States—except Idaho Falls, Salt Lake, and Manti—have the endowment available in the American Sign Language for the Deaf (ASL). The presentation of the endowment includes both sign language and subtitles. Normally, sessions can be held using the ASL translation at any time, but members needing this translation can help temple workers prepare more effectively if they will notify the temple in advance with the specific day and time they will be attending an endowment session.