Happy to Find the Truth
August 1991

“Happy to Find the Truth,” Ensign, Aug. 1991, 70

Happy to Find the Truth

“Which church is true?” Sipriana Fernandez asked in prayer for most of her life. She studied with the missionaries of various sects and even prepared to join one she felt good about. But again, she started feeling as though it didn’t have the truth she was searching for. After coming home from church services one Sunday, Sipriana cried out in prayer, “Lord, the next missionaries you send to my family—I will join their church!”

That week LDS missionaries arrived at the Fernandez home while her husband was home and she was away. Sipriana was devastated to find that he had turned them away. But he assured her, “The missionaries will come back tomorrow,” and they did. Two months later, Sipriana and her family were baptized.

“I only wanted to find the truth,” says Sipriana, “but the Church has offered everything to us.” She refers to changes in her marriage, in her family relations, even in the way the family budgets money. “We don’t argue anymore, we have better health because of the Word of Wisdom, we don’t waste money on lotteries, and we’re happy!” she says. “What more could I ask for?”

Now actively serving in the Relief Society, Sipriana’s goal is to “be a real friend to the sisters I visit teach.” She is eager to make visitors at Church meetings and activities feel welcome: “I have found the truth. We all need to show that we have it.”—Elizabeth VanDenBerghe, Salt Lake City, Utah