October 1991

“Contents,” Ensign, Oct. 1991, 1


October 1991

Volume 21 Number 10

On the cover: Photography by Craig Dimond.

Inside front cover: Inheritance, by Jeanne Leighton-Lundberg Clarke, oil, 48″ x 54″, 1988. “Traits and patterns are passed on from parents to children,” says artist Jeanne Leighton-Lundberg Clarke. “We inherit our appearances and absorb some attitudes. But through the gospel, we are free to choose and to change.” This painting is from the Second International Art Competition, Museum of Church History and Art.

Inside back cover: For Time and All Eternity, by Diane C. Pratt, watercolor, 22″ x 30″, 1990. Artist Diane C. Pratt wanted to create “a visual parable” incorporating the symbols of the temple, keys (suggesting authority), clock gears (suggesting time), death, birth, and rebirth. This painting is from the Second International Art Competition, Museum of Church History and Art.