undefined undefined Two New Areas Created, Presidencies Assigned
Two New Areas Created, Presidencies Assigned
November 1991

“Two New Areas Created, Presidencies Assigned,” Ensign, Nov. 1991, 104–5

Two New Areas Created, Presidencies Assigned

The First Presidency has announced the organization of two new areas and the calling of presidencies for them, along with area presidency assignments worldwide, effective 1 October 1991.

The new areas are the Europe/Mediterranean Area and the Asia North Area, bringing the total number of Church administrative areas to twenty-two.

The Europe/Mediterranean Area includes northern Africa and European countries bordering the Mediterranean, as well as countries in the Mideast. It also includes the French-speaking parts of Belgium and Switzerland. Headquarters for the new area is in Thoiry, France, on the Swiss border near Lake Geneva. Within the boundaries of the area are eighty-one thousand members in eighteen stakes and eighteen missions.

The realigned Europe Area now includes fifty-seven thousand members in twenty-two stakes and sixteen missions. With headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany, the area includes Austria, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, the Flemish speaking part of Belgium, and the German-speaking part of Switzerland.

The former United Kingdom/Ireland Area was also realigned, effective June 1, to include the Nordic countries and was renamed the Europe North Area. It includes the Channel Islands, Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, the Isle of Man, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. The area headquarters will remain in Solihull, England. There are approximately 172,000 members in forty-seven stakes and twelve missions in the area.

The new Asia North Area, with headquarters in Tokyo, covers Japan and Korea. Approximately 152,000 members reside in its thirty-six stakes and fourteen missions.

The Asia Area will now cover China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau. The area headquarters is in Hong Kong, and the area includes fifty-one thousand members in seven stakes and five missions.

Map of the world

All those serving in area presidencies are members of the Quorums of the Seventy. Following are the new area presidency assignments, with the president of the area listed first, then his first and second counselors:

Africa—Elder Richard P. Lindsay, Elder J Ballard Washburn, Elder Earl C. Tingey

Asia—Elder Merlin R. Lybbert, Elder Monte J. Brough, Elder John K. Carmack

Asia North—Elder W. Eugene Hansen, Elder Han In Sang, Elder Sam K. Shimabukuro

Brazil—Elder Joe J. Christensen, Elder Harold G. Hillam, Elder Helvécio Martins

Central America—Elder Ted E. Brewerton, Elder Carlos H. Amado, Elder Jorge A. Rojas

Europe—Elder Hans B. Ringger, Elder Albert Choules, Jr., Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander

Europe North—Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, Elder Gerald E. Melchin, Elder Kenneth Johnson

Europe/Mediterranean—Elder Spencer J. Condie, Elder LeGrand R. Curtis, Elder Joseph C. Muren

Mexico—Elder F. Burton Howard, Elder Horacio A. Tenorio, Elder F. Melvin Hammond

North America Central—Elder H. Burke Peterson, Elder Hartman Rector, Jr., Elder Graham W. Doxey

North America Northeast—Elder F. Enzio Busche, Elder Lynn A. Sorensen, Elder Robert K. Dellenbach

North America Northwest—Elder Hugh W. Pinnock, Elder Yoshihiko Kikuchi, Elder Robert E. Wells

North America Southeast—Elder John R. Lasater, Elder Alexander B. Morrison, Elder Stephen D. Nadauld

North America Southwest—Elder Glen L. Rudd, Elder W. Mack Lawrence, Elder Cree-L Kofford

North America West—Elder John H. Groberg, Elder Jack H. Goaslind, Elder Douglas H. Smith

Pacific—Elder Douglas J. Martin, Elder Robert E. Sackley, Elder Rulon G. Craven

Philippines/Micronesia—Elder L. Lionel Kendrick, Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone, Elder Durrel A. Woolsey

South America North—Elder William R. Bradford, Elder Gene R. Cook, Elder Julio E. Dávila

South America South—Elder Jacob de Jager, Elder Lynn A. Mickelsen, Elder Eduardo Ayala

Utah Central—Elder Loren C. Dunn, Elder Ben B. Banks, Elder Lloyd P. George

Utah North—Elder Marlin K. Jensen, Elder Malcolm S. Jeppsen, Elder Charles Didier

Utah South—Elder L. Aldin Porter, Elder Angel Abrea, Elder George R. Hill III