“On the Go with ‘Just Say No’” Ensign, Dec. 1991, 60
On the Go with “Just Say No”
Seventeen-year-old Nina Sagay, of the Peckham Ward, Wandsworth England Stake, writes and produces traveling shows that focus on problems common to teenagers. She and other young Church members are trying to help young people see the alternatives to using drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and giving in to other temptations. She tries to present teenagers with choices for a better way of living.
Sometimes the shows are dramatized situations, and sometimes they are direct messages that give solutions to the problems, including ways young people can help each other.
“I love drama, but I plan to pursue a career in business,” says Nina, who lives in London with her older sisters, Sheila and Brenda. Their parents live in Nigeria, where her father is a building contractor.—Anne Bradshaw, Sutton Coldfield, England
Nina Sagay—Dramatizing the dangers of drugs and alcohol for young people. (Photo by Anne Bradshaw.)