undefined undefined Where in the World … ?
Where in the World … ?
January 1992

“Where in the World … ?” Ensign, Jan. 1992, 73

Where in the World … ?

On our family room wall hangs a world map. It is bordered by photographs of members of our extended family who have served missions, and it is dotted with map pins that indicate mission headquarters for their missions. We started by locating the mission where my wife’s grandfather served, and we have included the mission areas of brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Whenever anyone in our family receives a mission call, we add his or her picture to the map.

We have also found small pictures of temples throughout the world and have posted them on the map. Map pins indicate their locations.

The map has increased our children’s interest in temples and in serving missions, as well as helping us to learn geography.—Darrell M. Thurlow, Lindon, Utah

Photography by Phil Shurtleff

Illustrated by Phyllis Luch