undefined undefined Contents
February 1992

“Contents,” Ensign, Feb. 1992, 1


February 1992

Volume 22 Number 2

On the cover: Front: An Infant Receives a Name and a Blessing, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1983, by Michael Schoenfeld. Back: top, Family at Prayer, Guatemala City, Guatemala, 1989, by Craig Dimond; middle, Nathan Law on Baptism Day with His Extended Family, Logan, Utah, 1989, by Craig J. Law; bottom, Portrait of Joseph Freeman, Jr., with His Wife, Isapella Freeman, and Daughter, Kearns, Utah, 1979, by Doug Martin.

Inside front cover: The Portland Oregon Temple, by Al Rounds, watercolor, 31″ x 22″, 1990. Courtesy of Mrs. Grant Fagg. Standing in a thickly wooded suburb ten miles southwest of downtown Portland is the Portland Oregon Temple. Ground-breaking ceremonies were held on 20 September 1986, and the temple was dedicated 19–21 August 1989 by President Gordon B. Hinckley, First Counselor in the First Presidency.

Inside back cover: “Amumn Petu: Go Ye Therefore,” by Jose R. Riveros, oil, 64″ x 64″, 1990. Painted by an artist from Santiago, Chile, this scene shows Araucanian Indians, who live in the southern mountains of Chile and who have not yet been taught the gospel, looking into the distance, waiting for “the hope of good news for the unknown future.”