undefined undefined Ogden Welfare Facility Dedicated
Ogden Welfare Facility Dedicated
February 1992

“Ogden Welfare Facility Dedicated,” Ensign, Feb. 1992, 75–76

Ogden Welfare Facility Dedicated

A new welfare center in Ogden, Utah, was dedicated by President Thomas S. Monson, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, on 21 November 1991.

The basic principles for the Church welfare system came from the Lord, said President Monson in his remarks. “The Lord provided the way when He declared, ‘And the storehouse shall be kept by the consecrations of the church; and the widows and orphans shall be provided for, as also the poor.’ (D&C 83:6.) Then the reminder, ‘But it must needs be done in mine own way.’ (D&C 104:16.)”

President Monson said, “I would hope that every one of us would make sure that there is time in his or her life for the Savior of the world, and would make place in his or her home and heart for Jesus of Nazareth. Then we shall have the spirit of the welfare effort.

“Appearing as a golden thread woven through the tapestry of the welfare program is the truth taught by the Apostle Paul: ‘The letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.’ (2 Cor. 3:6.)”

President Monson related how he was taught the importance of welfare while serving as a bishop. He learned that “when there’s need and when there’s faith, God still speaks, and when men listen, blessings will be provided.”

Included in the center are a bishops’ storehouse with adjacent office and warehouse space, an LDS employment center, and the Ogden LDS Social Services agency. The facility, which will serve the needs of the people in the greater Ogden area, replaces a building used as a storehouse since 1949.

Several hundred people attended the dedication proceedings. In addition to President Monson, general Church leaders in attendance were Elders James E. Faust and Joseph B. Wirthlin of the Quorum of the Twelve; Elder Rex D. Pinegar of the Presidency of the Seventy; Bishop Robert D. Hales and Bishop Glenn L. Pace of the Presiding Bishopric; Elders Marlin K. Jensen, Malcolm S. Jeppsen, and Charles Didier of the Seventy, who are serving as members of the Utah North Area presidency; and President Elaine L. Jack, Relief Society general president.

Speaking for the many Relief Society sisters involved in welfare, President Jack said, “From the very beginning of the Relief Society, this was our purpose, this was our nature: Women gathered together in order to give help jointly for those who were working on the temple and to relieve the wants of the poor.”

Bishop Pace said people should take as their example the life of the Savior. The Savior would stop and help somebody who was hurting, said Bishop Pace.

Elder Faust expressed appreciation for the Christlike service demonstrated in the construction of the storehouse. But, he said, the Lord’s storehouse is more than a building.

“In a sense, and ultimately, the Lord’s storehouse must be in our own hearts,” Elder Faust said. “Our hearts must be full of compassion for our fellow men and women. There must be a feeling of caring and a desire to help. In that spirit, all who minister and serve in this great edifice want to do so in a spirit of kindness and in the pure love of Christ. I would hope that we would not serve in a welfare program with any sense of begrudging of those who find themselves in need of help.”

President Thomas S. Monson (right), with Orson B. Porter of Welfare Services, inspects goods in the Ogden, Utah, storehouse. (Photo by Mike Cannon.)