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Build Personal Testimony
May 1992

“Build Personal Testimony,” Ensign, May 1992, 93

Build Personal Testimony

A few years ago, I read the Book of Mormon for the first time. In five months my family and I were baptized. Ever since that time, this book has been my constant companion. I have also realized that to study this book, one has to invite the Holy Spirit for guidance and to gain understanding. This book was designed for us today.

After studying the Book of Mormon, I also qualified to inquire of the Lord as to the truthfulness of this book. This is how I gained my testimony of the gospel.

I will liken my testimony to a plant in my living room. I have had this plant for many years. I have given shoots to friends, who also have grown to love it. Whenever I moved house, I took it with me. This plant has stayed healthy and green because I regularly give it nourishment. I give it plenty of fresh air and sunshine; otherwise, it would eventually wither and die.

However, our testimonies are more valuable than the plant I told you about. We also need to share them with others and thus strengthen them. We need to keep in tune with the Spirit so that our testimonies can survive the storms of this life. We can further build our testimonies not only by reading and studying the scriptures but by sharing and teaching the same to others and then gaining the warmth of that charity that “never faileth.”

The plants and ornaments in our houses we shall leave here on earth. Our testimonies are so priceless. When we return home to Heavenly Father, we shall take them with us. So it is worthwhile building a strong testimony today.

I love the gospel and I know it is true. I know the Prophet Joseph Smith was called to restore the gospel in these latter days. I know Heavenly Father still calls prophets to teach and guide us today, even our present prophet. Jesus Christ lives and loves us, and I know if we keep our testimonies strong we will meet him some day. I pray in his name, amen.