I Am All Changed
June 1992

“I Am All Changed,” Ensign, June 1992, 70

“I Am All Changed”

Mary Guluzian immigrated to New York City from her native Armenia to continue her nursing studies. After her arrival, she faced a series of personal tragedies, including the deaths of her husband and brother. These challenges left Mary in deep depression.

For four months she didn’t even want to cook. “I was in a very bad condition,” said Mary. “My kitchen was completely empty.”

But one day in 1987, after finishing her day’s work as a nurse, Mary began to walk home. “I was very, very depressed,” Mary said. “I was just walking like a lost lady. I didn’t want to wear colors—just black, only black. Like dead, I was.”

On her walk, she saw two young men next to a display with a picture of Jesus. Mary went directly to the picture and one of the missionaries said, “You look very tired. Can I help you? What’s your name?”

“I said, ‘I’m Mary. I want to know where these dead people are going. I am really confused. And why me, why me?’

“So that cute kid said, ‘Mary, we will help you.’

“I said, ‘I want to know about life after death.’”

So the elders began to teach Mary about the gospel of Jesus Christ. They taught her to have faith, says Mary, now a member of the Manhattan First Ward.

With the help of the gospel, Mary has learned to laugh again. “My life is excellent. I am all changed. I love my elders. They love me, too. It is like my family with them.”—Eliza Tanner, Chile Santiago North Mission

Missionaries brought a message that dramatically changed Mary. (Photo by LaRene Gaunt.)
