undefined undefined Comment
November 1992

“Comment,” Ensign, Nov. 1992, 111–12


A Viable Option

I must take exception to part of “Can I Watch a Movie?” (Dec. 1991.) After months of careful consideration and prayer, our family decided to box up our television and video recorder and sell them. Although we realize this is a bold move, we do not feel we are “giving up the struggle” to teach our children to choose worthy entertainment.

The author suggests we use Joseph Smith’s counsel: “Teach them correct principles and they govern themselves.” (See Messages of the First Presidency, ed. James R. Clark, 6 vols., Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1966, 3:54.) Removing the television is certainly a viable option to teaching our children to avoid evil influences in their lives.

Today’s society promotes the idea that television is a necessity. I say it is not. After removing the television, we missed it for a while but shortly forgot about it. We expect to periodically review our TV decision as our family matures, but for now we find our lives more productive and peaceful without it.

David Spackman
San Pedro, California


The Museum of Church History and Art commissioned Harrison Begay, Jr., to create the sculpture of the Last Supper, featured in the April 1992 issue. The museum currently owns the work and displayed it in April and May as part of an exhibit of Last Supper artwork.

“FamilySearch®: Stepping-Stone to the Temple” (Aug. 1992) reports how the Logan Utah Stake uses FamilySearch. In the sidebar on page fifteen, “FamilySearch at a Glance,” TempleReady™ was listed as a current part of FamilySearch. Although TempleReady will eventually be a part of FamilySearch, it is at present only a pilot program. When fully implemented, TempleReady will be the means of clearing names for temple ordinances.

Clarion Call to Couples

A prophet of God has called for members of the Church in their golden years to consider a mission. I would like to echo that plea, because it was just such a couple that changed my life.

John and Lydia Parker came into my life at its lowest point, but by the time they left I knew joy beyond description. Why? Simply because they loved me and my children. I had never known the love of anyone other than my parents—no extended family, no grandparents. But here were the Parkers, putting the gospel of Jesus Christ in action.

The change was not quick and easy, and I had to learn to trust what I saw and felt. But through their influence, I began to believe in a God who loved me beyond measure.

I hope all couples in the Church will consider the clarion call. The good they can do is beyond measure.

Marion Whitley
Tallahassee, Florida

Apply Atonement

The article “Believing Christ” (Apr. 1992) has helped me understand and apply Christ’s atonement in my life more than any other article I have read. I wish all the Christian world could read this piece.

Vicki Casto
Scott Depot, West Virginia

Gift from Heavenly Father

In the article “To Mourn with Those That Mourn” (June 1992) someone finally expressed what I, too, feel in my heart.

I am widowed with seven children still at home. I am grateful for the gospel and the knowledge that our family can be eternal. But sometimes I do feel lonely and need understanding. The article was like a gift from Heavenly Father to me. It addressed all the issues and feelings I have experienced as a widow. My heart finally felt understood.

Karen Michelson
Cottonwood, Arizona

Armed with the Gospel

The pamphlet For the Strength of Youth has been an answer to my prayers on how to teach my children gospel principles topically. I have also enjoyed the articles the magazine has printed since September 1991 that correspond with the pamphlet.

At the suggestion of a friend, I have photocopied these articles and compiled them in a notebook for each of my children. We read the pamphlet as an introduction, then study each article in depth—together. I feel that armed with these timely, inspired lessons, my children will be better prepared to withstand Satan’s influences and to make decisions that will bless their lives eternally.

Sharreen Touchet
Spring Valley, California

Blessings of Foster Care

“A Safe Haven” (Apr. 1992) was a wonderful article. I was lucky enough to reap blessings from the safe haven of foster homes. I’ve been in foster care most of my life—homes where the gospel was present and homes where it was not. I feel blessed for having been able to receive the gospel and love from my foster families when I truly needed it, and I thank my foster families for the examples they set for me.

Dawn R. White
Comstock, New York

Pageant Applications

“Miracle at Cumorah” (June 1992) has generated many inquiries about participation in the Hill Cumorah Pageant. Serving as a member of the cast is a unique and inspiring experience for about six hundred members each year. About 65 percent of those participants come from the eastern United States and Canada, while the remaining 35 percent come from the West. We recommend the pageant experience for families with teenage children and for single adults of all ages.

We accept applications from August 1 through December 1 each year. Application forms may be requested by writing to:

The Hill Cumorah Pageant

PO Box 403

Palmyra, NY 14522.

Gerald Argetsinger

Pageant Director

A Gift That Goes on Giving

My home teacher recently gave me a subscription to the Ensign. I had been without one for some time and didn’t know how much I had missed reading the magazine. I devour each issue; it is such a delight. I am now ordering subscriptions for my mother in Colorado and my brother in the army.

Cecil M. Warren

Wondering about Emma

Thank you for printing “My Great-Great-Grandmother, Emma Smith.” (Aug. 1992.) I have often wondered what happened to Emma, but have wondered about the credibility of materials written about her.

I appreciate the time and research Gracia N. Jones took in writing this piece that included the facts and spiritual insights as well. The pictures and artwork added a greater depth to what I was reading.

Karren Talbot
Anchorage, Alaska

Nice Job

Wow! I’m talking about the cover of the September 1992 Ensign. I’ve never seen a cover remotely like that on your magazine before. My birthday is in September, and you couldn’t have given me a nicer gift. Nice job.

Barbara Hohmann
Dallas, Texas

Grateful for Heritage

It was thrilling for me to read about Los Angeles, the city I grew up in. I was also excited to see the picture of the Mar Vista Ward meetinghouse; my parents lived in the Mar Vista Ward for forty-eight years, and I grew up there. Many of my most sacred and special memories center around events that happened in that building.

I am grateful for my Mar Vista heritage and the people there who influenced my life so deeply. I agree with a fellow Mar Vistian who said she hoped when she died, she’d be in the Mar Vista section of the celestial kingdom. I can only hope for the same.

Cindy J. Jewkes
Salt Lake City

Ten Times Better

Thank you for printing “Reluctant to Marry.” (Apr. 1992.) It helped me. Because my own parents’ relationship failed, I have a deep interest in the study of relationships. I have read countless articles and books on the subject. I got more out of this four-page article than anything I have read from other sources.

Elder Matthew Keele
Cleveland, Ohio