undefined undefined His Standing Joke
His Standing Joke
December 1992

“His Standing Joke,” Ensign, Dec. 1992, 64

His Standing Joke

In the Alta Loma Ward, Upland California Stake, Arthur Herrick was a father figure to far more than his own seven children. As one of the ward’s seminary teachers for many years, Brother Herrick was always good for a few early morning laughs as bleary-eyed students met the new day.

The kind of home teacher who always remembered birthdays and special occasions, Art could be counted on. If there wasn’t a father in the home of a family he visited, Art and his companion would give priesthood blessings and lessons and prayers as the mother in the home desired. He stood in blessing circles, attended weddings, and he was there to mourn with those who mourned.

Art and his wife, Margaret, were often favorite baby-sitters for young struggling couples. They felt that it was a blessing to their own children to tend other people’s children from time to time.

Many things to many people, there is one thing Brother Herrick is not. At 5′3″, he is not tall. Yet Art’s sense of humor enables him to be a delight to others and to make light of his height. Before he moved to Orem, Utah, the standing joke in the Alta Loma Ward was one of the members’ favorites. Whenever he was called upon to stand up during meetings—whether to be sustained or released, or to comment—the person conducting would invariably repeat, “Brother Herrick, will you please stand.” To this he would reply with predictable humor, “I am standing.”—Nancy Johnson, Rochester, Minnesota

Arthur is good-humored about not being tall. (Photo by Phil Shurtleff.)