undefined undefined Contents
May 1993

“Contents,” Ensign, May 1993, 3


May 1993

Volume 23 Number 5


On the cover: Christ in Gethsemane, by Heinrich Hofmann, oil. Courtesy of C. Harrison Conroy Company, Inc.


Inside front cover: View of Salt Lake City, 1880, by Al Rounds, watercolor, 31″ x 75″, 1991. Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Miller. Salt Lake City as it would have appeared in 1880, with the rising walls of the Salt Lake Temple, still thirteen years from completion.


Inside back cover: The Flower Garden at the Lion House, by Clayton R. Williams, oil on canvas, 16″ x 20″, 1992. Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Collier. The flower beds in the front court of the Lion House add a brilliant splash of color as well as indicating the colors of the Young Women values: faith, divine nature, individual worth, knowledge, choice and accountability, good works, and integrity.


This issue features photos of the Salt Lake Temple from its construction to the present. Photos of conference were taken by Jed Clark, Welden Andersen, Phil Shurtleff, Craig Dimond, John Luke, Peggy Jellinghausen, and Matt Reier.