“Time for the Temple,” Ensign, Dec. 1993, 57
Time for the Temple
Myra Phyllis Mason and her husband, Norman, of Temple View, New Zealand, served in the New Zealand Temple together for many years. After Norman died in 1972, Myra continued to serve until her health limited the time she could spend there. She still attends two endowment sessions a day, and she says, “I love it! The temple is what life’s about. I feel so close to the people whose names I take through. I bear my testimony to them. I tell them how important it is for them to listen while I do this for them. I explain what I’m doing for them and tell them that we’re learning together.”
Myra looks forward to visits from her four children, twenty-nine grandchildren, and twenty-seven great-grandchildren. “People are lovely to me,” she says. “They help me with so many things.”—Louise Gaastra, Hamilton, New Zealand
Photo by Louise Gaastra