undefined undefined Members of Mission Presidency Die in Plane Crash
Members of Mission Presidency Die in Plane Crash
February 1994

“Members of Mission Presidency Die in Plane Crash,” Ensign, Feb. 1994, 79

Members of Mission Presidency Die in Plane Crash

About an hour after boarding a twin-engine plane headed for Guatemala City, Guatemala, President Jose M. Jimenez and one of his counselors, Julio Afre, died November 22 when the aircraft entered a storm and crashed into the side of a mountain. All thirteen people aboard the plane died.

President Jimenez had been serving as president of the Guatemala Guatemala City North Mission since July and was returning after a conference in the Flores District, located near the Mayan ruins of Tikal. President Jimenez, a native of Puerto Rico, and his family had “gained the hearts of the members” in their five months of service, said Elder Carlos Amado of the Seventy, president of the Central America Area. A former stake president, patriarch, and regional manager for the Church’s area office in Puerto Rico, President Jimenez is survived by his wife, Daisy, and four children, ages fifteen through twenty-two.

A native of Guatemala, President Afre had returned to his homeland after living in the United States to operate an import/export business. A former bishop and counselor in a stake presidency, President Afre is survived by his wife, Maritza, and five children, ages eight through sixteen.

Hundreds of people attended memorial services for the two Church leaders. “It was impressive to see these two ladies [Sister Jimenez and Sister Afre] at the services,” noted Elder Amado. “Both of them are so strong in the faith. They set a good example for all the members.”