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Upgraded Personal Ancestral File Available
June 1994

“Upgraded Personal Ancestral File Available,” Ensign, June 1994, 76

Upgraded Personal Ancestral File® Available

A new release of Personal Ancestral File—the Church’s home computer software for compiling and organizing genealogical information—is now available.

“Families and individuals may purchase this computer program for home use or check with their ward family history consultant to find out if it has been installed on a computer in their meetinghouse or at their family history center,” explained Vance Standifird, product manager for Personal Ancestral File. “Personal Ancestral File 2.3 will help individuals organize their family history information into family groups and pedigrees.”

Registered users of version 2.2, the current Personal Ancestral File program, should receive a letter and order form explaining how they can obtain the updated package—a maintenance package that includes 3.5-inch and 5.25-inch diskettes containing all of the Personal Ancestral File 2.3 programs. The cost of an upgrade is four dollars. Included in the package is a four-page explanation of the features added to the new release.

Users of version 2.2 of Personal Ancestral File who have not sent in their registration cards can receive the upgrade package by mailing or taking their 2.2 registration card to the Salt Lake City Distribution Center, 1999 W. 1700 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84104. There is a four-dollar cost.

Users of Personal Ancestral File 2.0 or 2.1 can also receive the upgrade. However, they must send or bring the title page from their manual to the Salt Lake Distribution Center to purchase the program diskettes, manual, and other materials.

Others can purchase the complete Personal Ancestral File 2.3 package for thirty-five dollars from the Salt Lake Distribution Center. (Toll-free number for the United States and Canada is 1-800-537-5950.)

Version 2.3 of the family history software includes all functions of version 2.2. Additionally, the upgrade is compatible with TempleReady®, the FamilySearch program which allows members to verify Church information for their ancestors and prepare diskettes for use at temples. Personal Ancestral File 2.3 uses the same rules as TempleReady to check and qualify names. (Personal Ancestral File 2.2 should no longer be used with TempleReady.)

In addition, the upgrade includes several Family Records Program improvements, including improved printing capabilities, more powerful Focus/Design Reports, additional Match/Merge options, GEDCOM program improvements, and a conversion program allowing users to convert the old two-letter temple codes to new five-letter codes. Also, when the program is in Pedigree Search, users can perform all functions listed on the main menu.

Stakes in English-speaking areas where FamilySearch is authorized will soon receive a copy of the Personal Ancestral File 2.3 package for Church-owned computers in the stake, including family history center computers and ward administrative computers.

“We hope members will use the upgrade, with help from their ward family history consultant if needed, to identify areas where additional work is needed, and to prepare ancestors’ names for temple ordinances,” said Brother Standifird.