undefined undefined Comment
July 1994

“Comment,” Ensign, July 1994, 80


“We’re Not Alone”

“Lead Me, Guide Me” (March 1994) was excellent. It was like having someone in our own home watching and recording. We have a 22-year-old son who was hyperactive. We also have a 14-year-old boy who could be Jared Lambert; we have endured his out-of-control behavior for years. On the other hand, he can be kind, gentle, considerate, polite, and loving. How can a boy who has been diagnosed with SED (severe emotional disorder), ADD (attention deficit disorder), and oppositional defiant disorder be all these good things too? That’s part of the paradox of children.

Our older son outgrew his hyperactivity. As our younger son grows, he understands more, and he is able to be reasoned with at times. All this helps. But our greatest strength comes from a kind Heavenly Father who gave us these challenging children to help us learn patience, long-suffering, and a sense of humor. It is good to know that we are not as alone as we sometimes feel.

Name Withheld

Progress in Chile

I read with excitement “Southern Cross Saints in Chile: On Top of the World” (May 1993). I am one of the missionaries referred to in the article and recall vividly making the trek to Coyhaique in April 1978.

There is one note that I wish to make: I traveled to Coyhaique with my companion Elder Gonzalo Sepulveda, now a regional representative in Chile, and not President Fernando Caballero. We went under the direction of our mission president, Lester D. Haymore. I am thrilled to read of the growth of the Church in Coyhaique, as well as the rest of southern Chile. It is a beautiful country filled with people ready for the gospel.

Gregory W. Aiken
Salt Lake City, Utah

Good Sign from Heavenly Father

Some years ago a Church leader visited us in Beaver. During his talk, he mentioned that many people mispronounce the word ensign. He wanted us to know the correct pronunciation—N’sign, not ensun. He said the word can stand for a sign of good coming from our Heavenly Father. For several years I have sent subscriptions to the magazine to a dozen relatives; it is not uncommon to hear the word ensign spoken around my home.

Pearl W. Thompson
Beaver, Utah

True Testimonies Change Lives

When I joined the Church in July 1991, the Ensign was a tremendous influence on me. I had the scriptures available, but it took this magazine to help me realize that true testimonies change lives.

At the time, I was struggling with my children and making decisions about my marriage. My mother-in-law invited me to attend church with her. If I hadn’t read the Ensign, I never would have agreed. It was at church that I heard the gospel and my heart was opened.

Thank you for your gift to me. My husband and I look forward to being sealed in the Portland Oregon Temple.

Dawn C. Sieber
McMinnville, Oregon

Modern Guide to Happiness

“Do Not Despair” (October 1986), written by President Ezra Taft Benson, is truly applicable to our current physical and spiritual needs. The pornography, crime, sins, and immorality so prevalent in the world today make this message a guide to help us live the gospel and teach our children.

I quote from the third paragraph: “With the assurance that the Church shall remain intact with God directing it through the troubled times ahead, it then becomes our individual responsibility to see that each of us remains faithful to the Church and its teachings. ‘He that remaineth steadfast and is not overcome, the same shall be saved.’ (JS—M 1:11.) To help us from being overcome by the devil’s designs of despair, discouragement, depression, and despondency, the Lord has provided at least a dozen ways which, if followed, will lift our spirits and send us on our way rejoicing.”

Our prophet then describes twelve ways that each of us should learn and live to prevent despair, discouragement, despondency, and depression. And then he closes: “May we use them all in the difficult days ahead so that we Christian pilgrims will have greater happiness here and go on to a fulness of joy in the highest realms of the celestial kingdom.”

Milo C. Moody
Provo, Utah